Saturday, 22 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
I Do
Here's a peak into how our day played out.
Did I mention that I have the most wonderful husband in the world? I do!
Photography by Leo Farrell, wedding photo journalist. To see more of Leo's work, click Here
Wedding dress, 'going away' dress and bridesmaids dresses created by Brianna Walshe
Bridesmaid hairpieces created by Sarsparilly
Flower girl dresses by Tutu Chic
Flowers by Judy Chirnside & Georgie Stanton
Friday, 30 November 2012
Times, They are a' Changin'
Times are a' changin'. Time is a strange thing that seems to sweep us away without us even being aware. In the last little while Jordan and I have learned that time is making us wait to go back to America. We'll have to wait for my visa to be processed while we're still in Australia and that could take months - but based on the way that I've seen time work, it shouldn't really be too long.
In the last little while, Jordan and I have went on a walk with the Ellis' (some close friends of mine)

And in two short weeks I'll be married to my best friend...
Time really is strange.
Jordan's been sporting an Inigo Montoya look (compare them here)
And when might you ask will he rid himself of the stache?
I guess only time will tell
- Alice
In the last little while, Jordan and I have went on a walk with the Ellis' (some close friends of mine)
Sophie (my baby sister) had her high school graduation
And in two short weeks I'll be married to my best friend...
Time really is strange.
Jordan's been sporting an Inigo Montoya look (compare them here)
And when might you ask will he rid himself of the stache?
I guess only time will tell
- Alice
Friday, 2 November 2012
Another Four Weeks Passed
It's amazing how quickly time escapes when you're busy. Seriously.
Jordan made it here safely and we've been enjoying our time together when I'm procrastinating my final assessment for my degree.
I've been under strict instruction not to publish any of his pictures until he updates his blog... We will see when this will happen. Here are a couple of my pictures!
Jordan made it here safely and we've been enjoying our time together when I'm procrastinating my final assessment for my degree.
I've been under strict instruction not to publish any of his pictures until he updates his blog... We will see when this will happen. Here are a couple of my pictures!
Walks on the beach near my house |
Jordan helping out my folks with the garden
Halloween has been part of the traditions of my extended family for a long time, as my uncle is Canadian (we don't celebrate Halloween here, though in recent years it's become more popular). On the night of October 31st, my gran came for dinner and my mum was given strict instruction to ask Jordan to open the front door, so he did. This is what he opened the door to:
How cool is my grandma?
We also had a surprise visit from some local children -
Sophie was scared....
See how Jordan's nephew, Maxwell dressed up this year for Halloween (you won't regret looking) by going Here
So I've been sitting here, slowly getting through my work, while Jordan has been painting the house, watering plants and shovelling dirt. We're hoping that he'll soon find a job. I go back to work in 2 weeks.
And our wedding is only 5 weeks from today! Eeeep!
- Alice
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Proper Update
Hello friends,
I thought that a proper update was in order. I had a lovely uni break. I did nothing but crochet and watch Downton Abbey (and yes, I am obsessed with this show). I had a marvelous time and I don't regret it at all!
Upon my return to reality (reality being my final semester of my degree and the fact that I am doing not 4, but 5 subjects) I had a bit of a shock. This is calendar for the next month:
Jordan arrives - October 6
Anthropology Essay due - October 11
Group Presentation - October 17
French Essay due - October 18
I go through the temple - October 19
French Oral - October 22
Hand in translated text of 1,000 words to English from French with theory sheet - October 24
Anthropology Essay due - November 2nd
Group Assignment Due - November 8th
French essay on translation theory - due around the same time
So as you can imagine, I'm feeling a bit weighed down at the moment with work and is why I have not blogged as much as I would like to. I suppose we have to keep ourselves busy, though. When I think about all the work that needs to be done, November seems very close - which kind of means that December isn't too far away, which means that before too long, Jordan and I will have our wedding day - and that's a fantastic thought!
I'm posting some pictures I took of my friend, Hayman today. I hope you enjoy! Now back to that essay due next week!
I thought that a proper update was in order. I had a lovely uni break. I did nothing but crochet and watch Downton Abbey (and yes, I am obsessed with this show). I had a marvelous time and I don't regret it at all!
Upon my return to reality (reality being my final semester of my degree and the fact that I am doing not 4, but 5 subjects) I had a bit of a shock. This is calendar for the next month:
Jordan arrives - October 6
Anthropology Essay due - October 11
Group Presentation - October 17
French Essay due - October 18
I go through the temple - October 19
French Oral - October 22
Hand in translated text of 1,000 words to English from French with theory sheet - October 24
Anthropology Essay due - November 2nd
Group Assignment Due - November 8th
French essay on translation theory - due around the same time
So as you can imagine, I'm feeling a bit weighed down at the moment with work and is why I have not blogged as much as I would like to. I suppose we have to keep ourselves busy, though. When I think about all the work that needs to be done, November seems very close - which kind of means that December isn't too far away, which means that before too long, Jordan and I will have our wedding day - and that's a fantastic thought!
I'm posting some pictures I took of my friend, Hayman today. I hope you enjoy! Now back to that essay due next week!
- Alice
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
I have been a terrible blogger over the last 6 weeks, I know! Sorry!
I can say, however that the next month brings great promise in terms of improved blog entries, folks!
The last week I spent in my room at college, chained to my desk by the forces of obligation. I've been completing assignments left, right and centre and now feel an enormous sense of relief to have two weeks of 'break'. Now, break appears between quotation marks because it's more of an opportunity to catch up on the work that I'm behind in than an actual holiday. For the next few days, though - I am metaphorically letting my hair down and getting crafty!
This morning I headed to the hardware store and bought some supplies to make signs for Jordan and my wedding! Yay! I've seen the idea of black board signs featured on Pinterest and thought it would be an economical and fun way of adding needed signage on the big day!
I'm hoping that they'll eventually look something like this:
My sister, Sophie and I got going on the under-coats in preparation for the blackboard paint
I can say, however that the next month brings great promise in terms of improved blog entries, folks!
The last week I spent in my room at college, chained to my desk by the forces of obligation. I've been completing assignments left, right and centre and now feel an enormous sense of relief to have two weeks of 'break'. Now, break appears between quotation marks because it's more of an opportunity to catch up on the work that I'm behind in than an actual holiday. For the next few days, though - I am metaphorically letting my hair down and getting crafty!
This morning I headed to the hardware store and bought some supplies to make signs for Jordan and my wedding! Yay! I've seen the idea of black board signs featured on Pinterest and thought it would be an economical and fun way of adding needed signage on the big day!
I'm hoping that they'll eventually look something like this:
My sister, Sophie and I got going on the under-coats in preparation for the blackboard paint
Black board project update to follow shortly!
- Alice
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
It's Not The Way You Think It Is
These days I'm having difficulty knowing which way to look when I cross the street.
In Australia, it's all reversed. We drive on the left side of the road, so this means that you need to look right, left, right before crossing the road. I had several near death incidents when I first arrived in France a year ago... And now I'm having to deal with all of this all over again. I feel like there should be signs painted onto the road here like there are in London.
Here's one I took on my trip to London in January:
It's not only the roads... But also when opening doors. You need to turn the key the opposite way to which it would be turned in France. Reverse culture shock is ok, but this is a challenge! Now, several times a day, I need to tell myself 'it's not the way you think it is!'
I wonder how long it's going to take me to get used to this before I move to America and need to do it all over again! I suppose it's good mental exercise...
In more interesting news, congratulations to Shelby and Ryan, who welcomed the newest member of their family into the world just 2 days ago, Wesley. She's beautiful and I'm so happy that I'll be hers and Maxwell's aunt after Jordan and I get married this December. I think a trip to Florida will definitely be in order next year!
I also found out the other day that Jordan is a descendent of Daniel Boone's! That's so cool. I was very excited (probably far more excited than Jordan himself). I'm marrying into a family with a very rich cultural history! Here's the Daniel Boone theme song from the 1960's TV show.
- Alice
In Australia, it's all reversed. We drive on the left side of the road, so this means that you need to look right, left, right before crossing the road. I had several near death incidents when I first arrived in France a year ago... And now I'm having to deal with all of this all over again. I feel like there should be signs painted onto the road here like there are in London.
Here's one I took on my trip to London in January:
It's not only the roads... But also when opening doors. You need to turn the key the opposite way to which it would be turned in France. Reverse culture shock is ok, but this is a challenge! Now, several times a day, I need to tell myself 'it's not the way you think it is!'
I wonder how long it's going to take me to get used to this before I move to America and need to do it all over again! I suppose it's good mental exercise...
In more interesting news, congratulations to Shelby and Ryan, who welcomed the newest member of their family into the world just 2 days ago, Wesley. She's beautiful and I'm so happy that I'll be hers and Maxwell's aunt after Jordan and I get married this December. I think a trip to Florida will definitely be in order next year!
I also found out the other day that Jordan is a descendent of Daniel Boone's! That's so cool. I was very excited (probably far more excited than Jordan himself). I'm marrying into a family with a very rich cultural history! Here's the Daniel Boone theme song from the 1960's TV show.
- Alice
Friday, 17 August 2012
Those of you who keep asking me when Jordan is coming and are feeling fed up with me saying
"I don't know" - rest assured!
He arrives on October 6th and I will go back to Utah with him, as his wife - I can't wait!!!!!
- Alice
PS. Look how talented and intelligent he is (he even thought to record this in the bathroom for better acoustics)!
I love him
Monday, 13 August 2012
Don't Try This At Home
This is what happens when you are forced to love your one and only from the other side of the world.
This is a picture of before said forcing:
And then, nearly 2 months in, some serious damage has taken its toll....
See exhibit B:
Let's hope that by the time October comes around and we never have to be apart agin, we'll be able to redeem our new, 'coping' habits.
Until then, I'm afraid we both may continue to channel Homer Simpson/extremely dorky types
- Alice
This is a picture of before said forcing:
And then, nearly 2 months in, some serious damage has taken its toll....
See exhibit B:
Let's hope that by the time October comes around and we never have to be apart agin, we'll be able to redeem our new, 'coping' habits.
Until then, I'm afraid we both may continue to channel Homer Simpson/extremely dorky types
- Alice
Sunday, 12 August 2012
This week has been a hard one for Jordan and I, but we're trying to stay positive and plug on through. October is getting closer now with each passing day and we're trying to be optimistic about all of the legalities and technicalities that must be dealt with before we can start our life together.
In other news...
While I was gone, my dear friends, the Ellis', got Lilly. She's big, honey-coloured and very soft. It's entertaining watching her being scolded in German and I'm learning new German vocabulary, like 'SIT!' 'STAY!' and 'GO OUT!' It's very fun with four kids around, this big, honey dog and two adults trying to train her.
- Alice
In other news...
While I was gone, my dear friends, the Ellis', got Lilly. She's big, honey-coloured and very soft. It's entertaining watching her being scolded in German and I'm learning new German vocabulary, like 'SIT!' 'STAY!' and 'GO OUT!' It's very fun with four kids around, this big, honey dog and two adults trying to train her.
- Alice
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