Saturday, 22 December 2012


He is utterly desperate for eggnog. This is what happens everytime we open the fridge.


Thursday, 20 December 2012

I Do

 Last week, on December the 14th, I wed my best friend, Jordan. Even though there were many dear people missing, it was raining and even though we had hoped to be sealed that day - our wedding was perfect.

Here's a peak into how our day played out.

Did I mention that I have the most wonderful husband in the world? I do!

Photography by Leo Farrell, wedding photo journalist. To see more of Leo's work, click Here

Wedding dress, 'going away' dress and bridesmaids dresses created by Brianna Walshe

Bridesmaid hairpieces created by Sarsparilly

Flower girl dresses by Tutu Chic

Flowers by Judy Chirnside & Georgie Stanton