Halloween came and passed. We dressed up as Where's Wallies. We had a lot of fun with this. Can you spot Wally in the supermarket?? We made a trip out West to the desert. I told Jordan that this would be my last camping trip in a while. It's just so so cold!
I cannot believe that we have already been here for 4 months. It feels much longer than that. Perhaps it's the bitter cold weather, waking up so incredibly early to work my French call center job, or the amount of time that I've spent alone with our two dogs in our one-bedroom apartment - but life's got me down this last little while, which is why I've been a bit slack in posting anything. It's not that I'm that miserable. I'm happy to be with Jordan and to spend time with American family, but it is so terribly far away.... And they don't sell Vegemite or Milo at our local supermarket. I think I'm finally discovering the brands that I like, though. I even found some decent sour dough bread.
I've decided to be proactive and keep myself a little busier. I've decided that I'd like to craft most of the Christmas gifts this year, which will keep me busy for the next few weeks. I've also decided to cook more. When it's freezing cold and you're in need of home comforts, it's wonderful to keep busy cooking. I pleaded with Jordan to allow me to take my Stephanie Alexander cookbook over here (which probably weighs at least 5 KG) but it's lately become my best friend. A lot of the recipes that my parents use have come from this amazing, Bible of a cookbook. I've thus far made lasagne, various soups and risotto. I intend to make much more. In fact, I am committed to making at least one good, home-cooked meal a week.
Last week I made Hungarian Goulash. This recipe is a family favourite and it tasted like home at winter. Kenzie, Shad and Maeve came round and it was very popular.
This is the recipe for how to make Hungarian Style Goulash
You will Need
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 medium onions
-500 stewing veal (I use beef)
- 1 tbsp Hungarian Paprika
- 425 g can chopped tomatoes
- 2 cups beef stock
- 1 large potato, peeled and diced
- 1 large carrot, peeled and thickly sliced
- 1 green capsicum, chopped (capsicum means pepper, for y'all American folk)
- salt and ground black pepper
- sour cream
Method: Heat the oil in a large heavy-based pan and cook the onion for 10 minutes over moderate heat, stirring from time to time, until soft and golden brown. Remove the onion from the pan, increase the heat and brown the meat in batches, then return al to the pan
2. Return the onion to the pan. Add the paprika, caraway seeds, tomatoes and stock. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 1 1/4 hours.
3. Add the diced potato, carrot and capsicum. Cook uncovered for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Season to taste with pepper and salt. Served best with rice (or can be served on its own)
4. Once dished, stir in a couple of teaspoons of sour cream.
Until next time,
- Alice