Chloé came to stay last weekend here in Lyon. We mainly enjoyed each other's company at home and laughed about how little food I had. On Monday we went here, to what I believe is the best bakery in my neighbourhood...possibly in Lyon....possibly in France...and dare I say it, possibly in the world. In this case, looks are deceiving.
That evening the apartment welcomed Giuliana (our new housemate from Brazil). She's staying here until Caroline comes back home from Lebanon in December. I tried to make a risotto...which tasted alright, though rather concentrated and after having realised this I remembered a conversation that I'd had with Giuliana...that she has Italian grand parents. I immediately felt slightly ridiculous but continued to risotto away anyway. I frantically arranged the living room and was quite pleased with the end result. Giuliana was thrilled to arrive and was really appreciative of everything I did. It's so nice to have another girl in the house again! Order is finally returning!
I then walked down the slopes and eventually made it to the town hall and Musée de Beaux Arts (Museum of Fine Arts). Unfortunately it's closed on Tuesdays, but I enjoyed walking around the garden and looking at all the people eating their lunch. I mean, of course the statues and architecture were also beautiful...I think I really am an anthropologist. Ha. I'll need to find time to go back to the museum when it's open.
As I still had this seemingly incurable case of tonsillitis, I bought some medicine from the pharmacy and headed home on the Metro. Here are some pictures of the tram that I take here. Dear Melbournians, look how efficient and modern these trams are! Guess what? They come every 4 minutes (never late) and you don't need to heave bags up stairs, as they've level...and on top of that they even accelerate! Lyon also has a ton of bicycles that anyone can rent for the day. They're practically on every corner and so many people use them as well. Have a look.
On Tuesday I missed class because there was apparently a time table change. My class now starts at 6pm (got to love the French) and I had a previous engagement. Wednesday I hopped off to class and coughed until I cried - so then had to miss the other half. I went home and slept. Thursday was better! I had my first real lecture which I found very interesting and I may have shown a little too much excitement. I was surprised by the lack of concentration by the French students though. Next week I'll sit myself right up front. My tutorial was also really good. I'm working in a group with some nice kids (one of which looks like a mini version of miss Nicole) and she even invited me to go see a concert one night this week with her sister and some other friends. Hopefully I won't be a loner at uni for too much longer.
I forgot to mention how beautiful the view is here...for those of you who aren't aware, I live in an apartment complex that looks somewhat like the Fitzroy Housing Commission. However, at night it's kind of cool from my window. See?
Thursday night Chloé came around again (I really can't get rid of this girl) ;-) and we jumped on a train to Paris...but that's in the next post! Oh, and I have a job interview Thursday for teaching English to French babies. How's that? Haha some people have too much money.
So glad that life is coming together.
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