Thursday 10 October 2013

That Time of Year

Once again, General Conference came and went. This year I was lucky enough to go to 2 sessions! The pictures above show 20,000 women swarming into the conference centre. Getting out was a struggle, but it was well worth it. For those of you who don't know what General Conference is, it's where the leaders of my church (the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) give motivating talks about Christ that inspire the members of the church. To learn more, or to watch General Conference, go here. Other than that, the weather has been changing. This year Utah has had some very early snow. The mountains have nice little caps on top, that I can even see from my bedroom window. They look so beautiful! Also, the colours of the Autumn leaves are stunning. What a scenic new place to live! We had the opportunity last week to go to Park City, where we visited Deb and Garry. They drove us around and showed us some ski resorts, including some things that were used here in the winter Olympics. I loved Park City. It even snowed for us!

Other than all of that, work has been keeping us busy, and we're always happy when our schedules meet (which isn't too often). We've been decorating our apartment and spoiling our dogs.

- Alice

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